Let’s bring New lease of life!

Our people

Sita cultural center vous accueille à Pondichéry

Despite 2 years of irregular opening, Sita center keeps opening its doors to offer leisure activities for Pondicherry’s all ages and to propose its workshops and guided tours for passing by travelers.

We need your financial assistance to help us save this place we all cherish, to enable us to find our way out of this difficult situation, to flourish again and keep being THE cultural and touristic place to enjoy in Pondicherry.

With your help, we are definitely sure to put things right.

With your help, we can create a dynamic ecosystem in Puducherry for the promotion of sustainable cultural and tourism practices.

With your help, we can educate and facilitate workshops for various communities and spread the good work about art and culture, promote healthy lifestyle and physical activities and be an eye-opener.

We are truly grateful for your help.

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